Schools [general announcements]

  • 2024 edition of the École Joliot Curie “Radiations for Health”, 8-13 September 2024, Isle of Oléron, France. More information and pre-registration on
    The school will cover the topic of the radiation applications to biology and health. It will cover the exciting fields of the innovative radiotherapies, the medical imaging adapted from nuclear and high-energy experiments, the new radioisotopes for imaging and therapy, the fundamental aspects in radiobiology and the simulation and modeling.
  • FRIB Theory Alliance summer school “Put the reaction into action: A Nuclear physics boot camp on reaction methods”, Michigan State University, 12-14 August, 2024.
    The summer school target audiences are graduate students and postdocs within a few years of their Ph.D. More information is available at
    The registration deadline is June 1.
  • 36th National Nuclear Physics Summer School (NNPSS), Indiana University, Bloomington on 15-26 July.
    The summer school is open to all graduate students and postdocs within a few years of their Ph.D.  The application is now live, and more information is available at the school website.
    Review of applications will begin April 9, with the portal remaining open until all spots are confirmed.  For questions, please reach out to the local organizing committee at
  • 21st Exotic Beam Summer School (EBSS 2024), 14-20 July 2024, ATLAS Facility, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois, USA
    APPLICATION DEADLINE: April 19, 2024 (midnight CDT)
    Apply here: