A call for a postdoc is now opened until August, 18th, 2024.
We are offering a 2y postdoc position at IRL for nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics (hosted by FRIB, East Lansing) in the field of theoretical nuclear and astro-nuclear physics. The successful candidate will work at the frontier in heavy-ion collisions, finite-nuclei and neutron stars with a supervision team composed by P. Danielewicz, W. Lynch, J. Margueron, B. Tsang. For more details see (https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/IRL2024-JERMAR-001/Default.aspx) or contact directly Jérôme Margueron (jerome.margueron@cnrs.fr).
The candidates will be selected according to their proximity in the project, see the web interface and instruction at https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/IRL2024-JERMAR-001/Default.aspx for more details. Knowledge in numerical methods and computer languages, such as python, C or Fortran95 will also be appreciated.
The application file shall contain a CV, a complete list of publications, including papers in preparation, a short motivation letter and 1 or 2 recommendation letters (which can be sent directly to the contact address).
The position will start on October 2024.